This Agreement available in the Internet at (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”), (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) shall be concluded between VK LLC (OGRN (Primary State Registration Number) 1027739850962, Leningradskiy prospect, 39, Bld. 79, Moscow, Russia, 125167) (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and a potential performer, supplier, contractor (hereinafter referred to as the “Applicant”), which in one way or another has expressed a desire to conclude an agreement with the Company.
This Agreement defines the conditions for information exchange between the Company and the Applicant.
The contractor shall unconditionally and in full accept the terms and conditions hereof by sending the contractor’s questionnaire containing a link to this Agreement (hereinafter - the “Questionnaire”) via the web form at one of the Company’s websites (as per Part 3, Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
1.1. The Company shall provide the services listed below free of charge (hereafter referred to as the “Services”):
I. Consideration of the Applicant for compliance thereof with the requirements for the Company’s counterparties to make decisions on the сonclusion, support, amendment, termination of contracts by the Company.
II. Recognition of the Applicant as a potential Company’s contractor, including simplification of repeated considerations of the Applicant for compliance thereof with the requirements for Company’s counterparties.
1.2. In order to provide the Services, the Company shall receive from the Applicant and process information about the Applicant and the Applicant’s representatives, including:
• Full name of the Applicant - individual / sole proprietor;
• Full name of the Applicant ’s representative;
• Position of the Applicant ’s representative;
• Email of the Applicant;
• Phone of the Applicant;
• Email of the Applicant’s representative;
• Phone of the Applicant’s representative;
• Name of the Applicant-legal entity;
• Site of the Applicant.
This list contains the maximum amount of data that can be requested in the Questionnaires on various resources of the Company.
1.3. The Applicant guarantees that the data specified thereby during registration at the Service are provided thereto personally and true, correct and valid and agrees to provide the Company with the opportunity to verify the provided data on the basis of supporting documents or their copies.
1.4. The Applicant hereby consents to the Company for the term hereof for processing (collection, receipt, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, transfer (submission, access), use, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction) of the personal data provided during registration at the Service using automation tools or without using such tools for the purpose of execution hereof for the term hereof.
1.5. The Applicant, in order to execute the Agreement (receive the Services), instructs the Company, during the term of the Agreement, to process information about the Applicant’s representatives and contact persons specified in the Table, with or without automation tools by: receipt from the Company, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, amendment), extraction, use, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction.
The Applicant guarantees that there are legal grounds for the processing by the Company (on the basis of the Applicant’s instruction) of information about the Applicant’s representatives and contact persons specified in the Table. In case such a legal basis ceases to be applied in relation to the relevant data subject, the Applicant shall immediately inform the Company thereof at
The Company undertakes to ensure the confidentiality of information processed on the basis of the Applicant’s instruction under this Agreement. The Company undertakes to comply with the requirements of applicable law for the protection of the information.
The Applicant guarantees that it has notified the Applicant’s representatives and contact persons about the processing of their data by the Company on the terms of this Agreement.
1.6. The Company undertakes to process the received data in the manner determined by the Agreement and the legislation of the Russian Federation.
1.7. In case of termination of the legal basis for processing information about the representative of the Applicant, the Applicant shall send the Company a notification in writing indicating the web form using which the Questionnaire was sent to the Company, as well as the data of the corresponding Applicant’s representative.
1.8. The Company shall ensure storage of the personal data provided by the Applicant in the Company’s information systems the information systems for managing relationships with contractors owned by the Company.
2.1. This Agreement shall become effective for the Applicant from the date it is accepted by the Applicant and be valid till terminated by agreement of the Parties, or at the request of each Party on the grounds and in the manner prescribed hereby and the applicable law of the Russian Federation.
2.2. The Applicant may terminate this Agreement by sending a written notification thereof to the Company indicating the web form using which the Questionnaire was sent to the Company. This Agreement shall be deemed terminated upon expiration of 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the Applicant’s notification by the Company.
2.3. The Company may continue processing the personal data provided by the Applicant after the Applicant sends a notification of termination hereof if there are other legal grounds for processing thereof, which may include the need to execute other agreements to which the Applicant is a party, as well as the need to perform the functions, powers and responsibilities assigned to the Company by the law of the Russian Federation.
2.4. This Agreement may be amended by the Company, subject to notification of the Applicant by posting a new version of these documents on the Website. The Bidder shall independently and periodically check the Agreement for amendments. Amendments to the Agreement made by the Company shall come into force from the date following the date of publication of such amendments at the Website.
2.5. In case of non-performance or improper performance of obligations thereof hereunder, the Parties shall bear liability established by the applicable law of the Russian Federation.
3.1. All disputes arising out of conclusion, interpretation, execution and termination hereof shall be settled by the Parties by negotiations. Observance of the out-of-court complaint procedure of dispute settlement shall be mandatory. Complaints shall be considered by the Party that received the complaint within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of receipt thereof.
3.2. Should it be impossible to resolve the differences through negotiations, the Parties shall be entitled to apply to the judicial authorities for dispute resolution. In this case, the dispute shall be is referred to the appropriate court at the Company’s registered address, unless otherwise provided by the law of the Russian Federation.
April 14 , 2021