
Go to image "Settings" → "Privacy". In the privacy settings, you can prohibit people from calling you and adding you to groups, setting a local password code, changing the list of ignored and managing the list of sessions.

Who Can Add to Groups

Select one of the options: "everyone", "people with whom you corresponded, and contacts from the phone" or "nobody."

Select "nobody" to prevent you from being added to groups. You can only join the group by the invitation link.

Who Can Call

Select one of the options: "everyone", "people with whom you corresponded, and contacts from the phone" or "nobody."

To prevent calling you, select "nobody". You can only join the call using the invitation link.

Local Passcode

Set an additional password to enter the app. It will only work on the device where you installed it.

The code must be entered when entering the application or after blocking.

  1. Go to image "Settings" → "Privacy".
  2. Enable Local Passcode.
  3. Come up with code and repeat it.

To block the application, press Ctrl+L or Cmd+L on your computer.

To block the application automatically, select the time: after 1, 5, 10 minutes or after an hour.

Ignore List

In this section, you can unblock contacts that cannot write to you.

  1. Go to  image "Settings" → "Privacy".
  2. Click "Ignore List".

  3. Choose and click the cross.

Session List

Go to image "Settings" → "Privacy" → "Session List".

To close one session, move the cursor over it and click the cross.

To close all sessions, click Close All Other Sessions.

Обновлено 14 мая 2021 г.
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