
Send a Sticker

Click image o the right of the Message field. To get a closer look at a sticker, click on it and do not release the mouse button.

To send a sticker, click on it once.


Add a Sticker Pack

If you've been sent a sticker from a sticker pack that you don't have, you can add the sticker pack to yourself.

Click on a sticker and click Add.


Remove a Sticker Pack

  1. Click image to the right of the Message field.
  2. Click image.
  3. Click image next to the sticker pack you want to remove.


Change the Order of Sticker Packs

  1. Click image to the right of the Message field.
  2. Click image.
  3. Click image on the sticker pack and move it to the desired location.

Find a Sticker Pack

  1. Click image to the right of the Message field.
  2. Click image.
  3. Click image in the upper right corner and enter your query.
  4. Click Search.

Create a Sticker Pack

  1. Click image to the right of the Message field.
  2. Click image.
  3. Click "Create your own sticker pack".

  4. Follow the bot's instructions.

Import a Sticker Pack from Telegram

  1. Click image to the right of the Message field.
  2. Click image.
  3. Click "Create your own sticker pack".

  4. Click Import Sticker Pack.

  5. Follow the bot's instructions.

Обновлено 1 марта 2021 г.
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