Chat Actions

Mark as Unread

Open the chat list and right click on the chat. Select "Mark as unread".

imageicon appears on the chat.

Pin a Chat

Open the chat list and right click on the chat. Select "Pin".

The chat will appear at the very top of the list after other pinned chats.

To unpin a chat, right-click on it and select Unpin.

Move to Unimportant

Open the chat list and right click on the chat. Select "Move to Unimportant".

The chat will move to the "Unimportant" section and will not appear in the list when messages come to the chat.

To remove a chat from unimportant, right-click on it and select "Remove from unimportant".

Disable Notifications

Open the chat list and right click on the chat. Select "Disable Notifications".

The chat message counter turns gray. The total counter of new messages on the application icon will not count messages from this chat.

Hide a Chat

Open the chat list and right click on the chat. Select Hide.

The chat will disappear from the list until a new message is sent to it.

Delete a Conversation

Open the chat list and right click on the chat. Select "Clear History".

It is not possible to recover messages after cleaning.

Messages and files will be deleted only for you. The interlocutor still will be able to read your correspondence.

You can only delete your messages from the interlocutor — each separately

Обновлено 2 марта 2021 г.
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