Signing Up

To create a new account:

  1. Launch the Mail.Ru app.
  2. Tap “Create Mail.Ru Account”.
  3. Create a unique mailbox name: enter a username and select a domain (,, or
  4. Enter your first and last name to be displayed in the “From:” field of messages sent from your account.
  5. Specify your gender.
  6. Specify your date of birth.
  7. Tap “Next”.
  8. Create a secure password.
  9. Re-enter the password to avoid any errors.
  10. To be able to restore the password in case you forget it, please specify the following information:
    — Choose a “secret question” to help you restore a forgotten password.
    — Enter the correct answer to the “secret question” that you won't forget.
  11. Create a secure password.
  12. Double-check all the information carefully. If all is correct, enter the code from the picture.
  13. Tap “Next”.

Please note: by tapping “Sign Up” you accept the terms of the User Agreement

If you filled out the form correctly, your new mailbox will open.

Thank you for choosing our service and becoming a user of Mail.Ru!

Обновлено 24 июня 2021 г.